18th street corridor study

South side slopes | pittsburgh, PA


At seven stories from bottom to top, the 140 steps connecting 18th Street to Pius Street are easily the most iconic structure marking the connection between the South Side Flats and the South Side Slopes. Unfortunately, they were maintained poorly and raised safety concerns after dark. The step lighting project aims to reverse these negative perceptions, provide needed illumination along this pedestrian thoroughfare, and broadcast a positive message about the community.

Each stair tread is illuminated by a linear LED fixture. Overhead, Corten Steel I-beams are forked at the top to become light poles. Attached to these are projector fixtures, which in turn carpet the steps in a pattern of colored light. A Corten Steel sign marks the otherwise invisible Pius Street terminus.

This project serves a few purposes: to announce the neighborhood in positive terms to visitors and residents alike; to take blighted areas and transform them into community assets; and to act as catalysts for further neighborhood investment and economic development.

Year: 2010

Status: Completed